Watch for Google Ads!
Ever notice the ads that pop up on your screen when you're doing a Google search and wonder how they got there, especially since they're related to the subject you just searched? Kind of eerie at times, but there's logic behind how that happens. It's a product of Alphabet Inc.'s (Google's parent company) revenue-producing mechanism wherein other advertisers bid to display brief information about their products and services, on the assumption that the person searching on a particular term is logically a part of that advertiser's target market.
Alphabet, a company with more than a dozen subsidiaries and a trillion dollar market valuation, receives most of its revenue from this Google Ads process, and for some time has been operating a program titled "Google for Non Profits" through which grants are made to eligible organizations to take advantage of the Google Ad process. Our Foundation has elected to participate in this grant process, with an intent to place ads that will enable us to expand awareness across our national constituency, so keep an eye out for ads that will call attention to our Social Security Advisory Service, our webinar and seminar events, and the content of our various information websites.
The start-up phase of our Google for Non Profits/Google Ads project began in mid-August, so we hope to be in full swing before the end of September.

Webinars...More Webinars!
The COVID-19 pandemic and its restrictions continue to impact our seminar offerings, so we're continuing with the use of online virtual programs as a way to stay connected with our constituency. For September, here's what's on tap:
September 10, 2020 @ 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM - Understanding Reverse Mortgages
Caution and careful investigation are the watchwords trustworthy financial companies tend to use when approached by someone considering a reverse mortgage. If you're thinking about pursuing a reverse mortgage, what do you do and what do you need to know? In keeping with our mission of supporting and educating America's Seniors, we've arranged for an unbiased discussion on the details associated with the reverse mortgage idea.
September 17, 2020 @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM - Hydration and its importance during the pandemic
Discover more about the hydration process in your own body. Find out why it is important to stay hydrated during this health crisis. Learn tools to increase your water intake and recipes that can improve your immune system. We'll cover: The hydration process, Importance of hydration, Tools to increase your water intake, Improve your immune system through hydration.
September 29, 2020 @ 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM - Special Edition: New to Medicare - What You Need to Know!
This is a repeat session of an earlier webinar, arranged especially for The Villages Deaf Senior Citizens. Plans are to include a sign language interpreter participating as a panelist. Our experts will cover:
- Medicare's Components
- Common Terms and Definitions
- Thoughts on Managing Health Care Expenses
- Your Medicare Options
- Medigap Plans and How They Work
Since it's a webinar, participation is open to anyone having an interest in the subject.
Please note that we are offering these seminars as virtual (ZOOM) presentations. To register, please contact the Foundation office (by phone 888-750-2622 or email Find out more at
There is no cost for these webinars, but you'll need to register in advance.
