AMAC Foundation Newsletter | October 2020
Your November 2020 AMAC Foundation Newsletter
January 2021 Forward  |  View in Browser
AMAC Foundation Launches Veterans Support "Clearinghouse"
Back in September, we reported on the Foundation's increased role in AMAC's Veteran support efforts, including the development of a "clearinghouse" data base of reference sources designed to give Veterans and their families a place to go when seeking to learn about programs, resources, and information on a wide variety of helpful subjects affecting Veterans. We're happy to report that this service is now active on the Foundation website, and is accessible by clicking on the "For Veterans" menu item found at

As explained in a press release issued in December, the development of this clearinghouse is part of the larger "Veterans 2021 Initiative" undertaken by AMAC to expand its support of the Veteran Community. In addition to pursuing collaborative arrangements with Veterans Service Organizations (VSOs) across the spectrum, this initiative calls for specific interactions and working agreements with major beneficial efforts structured to provide specific support to Veterans. Using its extensive network of contacts on Capitol Hill, AMAC's efforts include tracking of legislation in support of America's Veteran Community.

The hundreds of resource entries maintained in the clearinghouse are displayed in categories and are accessible via keyword search, identifying a variety of material addressing the needs and interests of Veterans. The individual entries are sorted alphabetically within each category, with each entry in the category including a name or title of the item (e.g., Honor Flight Network, TLC Program, etc.), a type code (e.g., service, program, reference, etc.), identification of the sponsoring organization, a URL for direct web access, a telephone number and/or email address (where available), and a brief description of the item, along with a referral to the corresponding website for additional information.

The clearinghouse will be designed as an evolving reference source, with users, affiliated organizations, and the general public invited to submit additional topics for inclusion.
"Honor to the soldier and sailor everywhere, who bravely bears his country's cause. Honor, also, to the citizen who cares for his brother in the field and serves, as he best can, the same cause."

-Abraham Lincoln-
Up Next in the Webinar Series: Women and Social Security
Social Security is question about that! And for women, this complexity is heightened by several basic factors, including the simple statistic that women tend to have a longer life expectancy than men, often have had quite different working histories than men, and are more often single in their retirement years. Couple that with the fact that, for unmarried women, Social Security represents roughly half of their total income in retirement.

So, in addition to its complexity, Social Security represents for women an area where considerable attention must be placed on making the best decisions for both the short and long-term. Knowing the implications of when to file, for example, and the consequences of this decision on spousal benefits and survivor benefits, is something that is often overlooked in the decision-making process. Disability issues, whether it's you or your spouse, are another area where careful planning is critical.

This workshop will provide an overview of the Social Security System and how it serves all Americans and will provide details on the issues that require close attention on the part of women as beneficiaries. For this presentation, we will be using an online Webinar format, with the overall workshop delivered in four 1-hour sessions conducted one week apart. The scheduled dates are:

Part 1 - Wednesday, January 20, 2021; 10:00 am
Part 2 - Wednesday, January 27, 2021; 10:00 am
Part 3 - Wednesday, February 3, 2021; 10:00 am
Part 4 - Wednesday, February 10, 2021; 10:00 am
Contact the Foundation office for registration details: 1-888-750-2622, or email us at

Copy an Ad, Win a Book!
As we reported back in September, our Foundation is taking advantage of Google Ads as a mechanism to expand brand awareness for who we are and what we do. Participating in the "Google for Non Profits" grant program, we have been taking advantage of funding made available to eligible organizations to create "pop-up ads" calling attention to the activities of the Foundation and the services we provide. In case you're not familiar with this subject, here's a quick repeat of what we noted in the September newsletter:

"Ever notice the ads that pop up on your screen when you're doing a Google search and wonder how they got there, especially since they're related to the subject you just searched? Kind of eerie at times, but there's logic behind how that happens. It's a product of Alphabet Inc.'s (Google's parent company) revenue-producing mechanism wherein other advertisers bid to display brief information about their products and services, on the assumption that the person searching on a particular term is logically a part of that advertiser's target market."

We've just completed our third full month of ad placement, and we'd like to see how it's going, and we'd like to offer you an opportunity to help us do that! If you see an AMAC Foundation ad pop up on your screen during a Google search, simply snip a copy of it and forward it to us via email at The first 10 copies we receive will be rewarded with a free copy of our newest publication, "Ask Rusty: What's So Hard About Social Security?"

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