Coming Soon - 2020 Update to "Who's Who in Social Security"
Way back in 2015, we produced a document titled "Who's Who in Social Security," a sort of roadmap to the key players involved in policy matters affecting America's Social Security program. This 138-page handbook also provided a generous helping of background information on Social Security reform proposals under consideration, publications available on the subject, and a hierarchy of the governmental officials holding positions and assignments associated with Social Security. The publication was distributed to these key officials and their staff researchers, as well as to many media outlets that regularly write about Social Security issues.
In the four and a half years that followed this original publication, much has changed regarding the various governmental and research officials involved with Social Security, but what has not changed is the fact that this enormous senior benefit program is in jeopardy. In fact, its condition has deteriorated substantially, and is now on a trajectory that will lead to its inability to pay benefits as promised in about 15 years from now.
Anticipating Social Security reform coming into renewed focus in 2020, we elected to update the document and began the arduous task in early January. We expect to have the revised document ready for publication in early February 2020, and will make it available electronically to anyone at that time. If interested, just give the Foundation office a call (888-750-2622).
Upcoming Seminars
With the New Year comes a new calendar of seminars and workshops from the Foundation. We sort of took January off to concentrate on our January 29 "Aging at Home Expo" and the development of our 2018-2019 Foundation Annual Report, as well as the "Who's Who" document mentioned earlier, but now its time to get back to the business of educating the public. First up will be resumption of our "Sudden Death - Are You Prepared" notebook series (the 22nd edition of this tremendously popular seminar series), followed by a March 31 seminar focused on the theme of "New to Medicare."
We have a number of new initiatives on the drawing board for the early Spring and Summer months, and as always we'd love to have your input and suggestions. Here's a sampling of what we're planning on putting together:
- "So you got a Smart Phone...Now What?" (1st Quarter 2020)
- Keeping Up With the Grandkids (Gadgets and Social Media)
- Sign language basics
- "Smart Home"/"Assured Living" technologies (Repeat)
- "Cutting the Cord" (Repeat)
- "Veterans Benefits" (Repeat)
- "Retrofitting Your Home for Senior Comfort and Safety"
