We're Back in the Live Seminar Business!
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And, it went pretty well. We returned to the Lady Lake Library for our first live seminar venture in over a year, with the entire Foundation Social Security Advisory Staff taking the opportunity to showcase their talents in a detailed review of this important subject.
We of course followed the host's COVID-19 restrictions on social distancing, masks, and snack precautions, but that didn't present any concerns for us. Our on-site audience was light, indicating that many Seniors are not quite ready for group events, but we expected that so we live-streamed the seminar to a virtual audience. In addition, we recorded the event for on-demand viewing and it's now available on our Foundation website, under the Social Security tab on the Videos page. Here's a direct link to the recording.
In the photo below, Advisor Sharon Kleczka explains a facet of Social Security's intricate rule structure, the Restricted Application and it's gradual disappearance form the scene.

Elder Fraud Issues Take Center Stage on Foundation Website
At the urging of one of our constituents, and recognizing that Elder Fraud is a growing problem in America (and globally), we elected to populate the blog page on our Foundation's website with a serious of articles highlighting the scam situation and its impact on Seniors. Specifically, we posted the following editorials:
- Monday, March 22: Elder Fraud Takes On a New Dimension as Stimulus Checks Arrive
- Tuesday, March 23: FBI: Internet Crime up Almost 70% in 2020
- Wednesday, March 24: Internet Crime - Who's Affected?
- Thursday, March 25: Focus on Elder Fraud
- Friday, March 26: Identity Theft
The AMAC Foundation, along with AMAC, Inc., takes the subject of Elder Fraud and the perpetration of cybercrimes against Seniors very, very seriously, and both media outlets have published a variety of alerts and informative bulletins in the past. Because of the growing threat against our constituency, though, we elected to package a series of related items together to draw more attention to the problem and to help our readers navigate the hazards.
In the future, watch for announcements on additional information on this subject, including potentially a formal program involving a major partner to address this problem in greater detail.
