We're Ramping up our Social Media Presence
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Although we started moving in this direction early in 2021, it wasn't until the Fall of the year that we began a concerted program to strengthen our presence in the world of social media. I'll be the first to admit...I drug my heels for a long time, but it seems a curmudgeon approach wasn't contributing positively to our Foundation's image as a progressive organization. So, I caved in and asked for help, and now we have a robust presence on Facebook. We've looked at the other main players in social media, like Twitter and Instagram, but conclude that what we do just doesn't lend itself to those tools.
Our Facebook landing spot is shown below, and I'd encourage you to check it out. The technician working with us on the project -- Christina Jenny -- has done a remarkable job in posting a wide variety of content on the page, including briefs and links to our website's upcoming events and blog articles, posts commemorating historical events, links to our Social Security Advisory materials, fascinating photos, and just plain fun stuff.
And it's getting some attention...in the last quarter of 2021, for example, our page reach averaged 68,000 each month. Go ahead, take a look at it and, while you're there, consider "liking" what you see and giving us a click!

Annual Social Security Briefing Scheduled for March 3
Our Social Security Advisory Service is now in its seventh year of operation, and has handled more than 20,000 calls for help in understanding Social Security. We've found that many of the questions cluster around a handful of basic areas. With this in mind, we thought it would be helpful to provide an update on these most commonly queried subjects, and at the same time provide an update on some of the changes applicable to 2022.
In keeping with our Foundation's mission of "Supporting and Educating America's Seniors," we are again presenting this update in a public setting where seminar attendees can get the facts straight from our staff of National Social Security Advisors. Join us on Thursday, March 3, 2022 at 10:00 am EST for a lively session as our accredited Advisors refresh you on many of the basic Social Security rules you need to understand.
The seminar will be held at the Lady Lake Library, 225 W. Guava Street, Room 207.
There is no fee for this seminar and light refreshments will be served. We do request the courtesy of an advance registration...simply contact the Foundation office at 888-750-2622 or via email (info@AmacFoundation.org).
Special Note: We are planning to live-stream this seminar via the Foundation's website. To access the session, go to www.amacfoundation.org/video/live at the session's designated start time.
