More Webinars Coming Your Way!
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We've sort of resolved ourselves to the fact that face-to-face public seminars remain off the table for the time being, although we still have a glimmer of hope that mid-year might see some relaxation of the COVID-19 restrictions that have suspended many of our activities. But rather than get rusty, we're continuing to go the virtual route with online webinars, and we've just added two more to the schedule for February. We know this approach is not ideal, but it gets the job done, at least in terms of delivering the information Seniors need to have!
Here are the two new additions to our presentation schedule for later this month:
New Year, New beginnings - Self-care Time
February 17, 2021 @ 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
We all faced many difficult challenges in 2020, and we all entered 2021 looking forward to a New Year and what it might bring. While we're still early in the year, we're providing a seminar that will provide tools to assist in your personal journey as 2021 unfolds. The material presented will focus on the theme of "taking better care of yourself so that you can take care of business."
We're pleased to once again welcome our friends at VITAS Health Care, who will share an exciting array of thoughts and ideas to help you improve your outlook for the months ahead! This program will be presented free of charge as an online webinar; to register. simply call the AMAC Foundation office at 888-750-2622 or email us at and we'll sign you up!
Heart Health
February 24, 2021 @ 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
In February we celebrate love...especially for the motor inside of you. February also is celebrated as American Heart Month, so as we wrap up the month, we'd like to leave you with some helpful information that can pave the way for better heart health going forward. This fun and interactive seminar will give you a better understanding of how to care for your heart, and will cover common heart diseases and healthy routines that will help you keep your heart stronger for yourself and the ones you love!
The seminar will focus on a variety of heart-related topics, including discussions on congestive heart failure, dealing with hypertension, and managing cholesterol. The overall theme will explore several ways to keep your heart healthy both physically and emotionally.
We're pleased to once again welcome our friends at VITAS Health Care, who will share their enormous knowledge and expertise in this critical area. This program will be presented free of charge as an online webinar; to register. simply call the AMAC Foundation office at 888-750-2622 or email us at and we'll sign you up!

Foundation Annual report - 2020
Within the next couple of weeks, we'll be releasing the Foundation's Annual Report for 2020. Stay tuned, and when it's out, please know that we're anxious to have feedback on how the Foundation is developing, viewpoints on the initiatives we're undertaking, and suggestions for any new areas where you feel we should be focusing attention. Our mission, of course, is "Supporting and Educating America's Seniors," and we welcome any advice on programs or initiatives you feel we should consider.
Just drop us a note at!
